Infertility  How Hysteroscopy Treatment Helps in Treating

Hysteroscopy is peeping inside your uterus to view and correct problems surgically. The issue is resolved simultaneously through a tool called a hysteroscope.

The device comprises a small camera with a light to reflect the inside view of the uterus in the form of video images on a screen.

Hysteroscopy is a valuable procedure to know the underlying cause of infertility and to treat it.

Such problems may include polyps, uterine fibroids, congenital disabilities, and scarring.

Hysteroscopy before IVF

Your doctor may or may not perform a hysteroscopy to view your uterine cavity during IVF.

With the technological advancement of transvaginalsonography(TVS)andsono- salphigography, performing hysteroscopy for all IVF patients is not mandatory.

Only patients’, in which doctors find abnormality in trans-vaginal sonography or sono-salphigography are suggested to undergo hysteroscopy.

In IVF, recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is the most challenging condition.

Role of hysteroscopy in recurrent implantation failure (RIF) 

RIF implies a continuous failure of good-quality embryos repeatedly. In such conditions, an embryo fails to implant on the uterine wall during IVF treatment.

Uterine factor or embryonic factorsare the two significant culprits of implantation failure. If there is any minor pathology that is missed during TVS which has caused implantation failure, it can be diagnosed through hysteroscopy IVF.

Hence, in IVF, it becomes essential to discover intrauterine reasons that may lead to implantation failure.

Such causes include inflammation, undiagnosed polyps, and adhesions.

Know about Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

In the case of submucous fibroids found in the uterine cavity, it’s removed through Hysteroscopic Myomectomy.

In this condition, fibroids are removed through an instrument known as a hysteroscopic resectoscope.

This instrument is inserted into the uterine cavity through the vagina and cervical canal.

Women who have submucosal fibroids are eligible for hysteroscopic myomectomy.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy is an outpatient surgical procedure in which a patient can go home after spending several hours in the recovery room.

In this procedure, recovery time is significantly less, and you won’t find any scars on the skin after this procedure.

What happens during the hysteroscopy procedure?

You must empty your bladder during the procedure and wear a hospital gown. Your doctor may give you anesthesia or a sedative for your comfort.

The type of anesthesia will depend on whether the procedure is performed in the hospital or surgeon’s office and whether other methods must be performed simultaneously.

You must lie down on the exam table with your legs on the stirrups. Once you are in that position:

  • Your doctor will perform a pelvic examination.
  • Open the cervix to insert the hysteroscope.
  • A hysteroscope will be inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix.
  • A liquid will be sent through a hysteroscope into the uterus to clear any mucus or blood. Through such steps, your surgeon can inspect your uterine lining, uterus, and fallopian tubes.
  • The surgeon can inspect your uterine cavity and fallopian tube openings. Because of the lights of a hysteroscope, it becomes easy for doctors to get a clear view.
  • Surgical instruments can be inserted through a hysteroscope to remove any abnormalities.

The time duration of a hysteroscopy can vary from 5 minutes to an hour.

The course will depend on whether your doctor is going to perform diagnostic or operative hysteroscopy.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy only diagnoses the cause of infertility or other problems in the uterus; hence it takes less time.

While an operative hysteroscope is used to cure the situation in the uterus; hence it takes time.

How safe is hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is a safe procedure, but like any other surgical procedure, complications may occur here also.

There are usually less than 1% chances of complications in hysteroscopy which includes:

  • Infection
  • Intrauterine scarring
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Anesthesia reaction
  • Injury to the bladder, uterus, cervix, or bowel.
  • The reaction of substance used to expand your uterus.
How painful is a hysteroscopy?

Well! It depends on the experience of patient to patient. It depends on the procedure's duration and the patient's anxiety before the procedure.

It would help if you spoke about your concern with the surgeon. Inquire about what to expect during the process.

Know the type of anesthesia you will be given to prepare your body for the entire process.

Benefits of hysteroscopy

Through hysteroscopy, your surgeon will be able to diagnose and treat the issues in one single surgery.

It is a minimally invasive surgery and is very precise. Through hysteroscopy, your surgeon can locate the abnormalities causing infertility or other problems and remove them without damaging any surrounding tissue.


Hysteroscopy surgery is an effective way to know the exact cause of infertility, and many times, your doctor will recommend this procedure if necessary. 

Visit the nearest fertility treatment center& speak with your doctor about the entire journey of IVF and know about the hysteroscopy procedure if needed.

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