

The Bourbon virus is a type of RNA virus belonging to thogot viruses group and is widely found all over the globe. Some of the viruses in this group such as the Bourbon virus can make people sick. It is not yet known how people get infected by this virus however, health specialists believe that it is spread through tick or other insects just as the infection is caused by viruses in similar groups.

Very little information is available on the Bourbon virus, as until now only one case related to this infection has been diagnosed. A farmer in the eastern Kansas region has been suspected of dying due to the Bourbon virus in the late spring of 2014. As of today, no other details about the existence of this virus in other areas of the United States or the world are available.

Symptoms of Bourbon Virus

Since only one case of this infection has been diagnosed, the scientists are yet to come to any conclusion regarding the symptoms of Bourbon virus. The farmer who died due to this infection suffered from common symptoms such as tiredness, headache, fever, body aches, rash, vomiting and nausea. The patient also had low white blood cells that fight infection and helps in preventing bleeding.

Who is more at Risk of Bourbon Virus?

Scientists think that since the infection is caused due to tick or insect bite, people who fail to protect themselves from such bites or spend more time outside, especially in fields where the population of insects is quite high are more at risk of getting bourbon viral infection.

Can you Prevent Bourbon Viral Infection?

At present, no vaccine has been developed to prevent bourbon viral infection since the available information is not adequate. However, you can still protect yourself from this infection by following measures to keep the insects at bay. Some of the ways in which you can protect yourself when you outdoors include:

  • Using insect repellants
  • Wearing long pants and sleeves
  • Avoiding wooded and bushy areas
  • Performing thorough check on your body for presence of tick or tick bite after you have been outdoors

Diagnosing Bourbon Viral Infection

Currently, no laboratory tests are available for diagnosing whether a person is suffering from Bourbon viral infection or not. But scientists are developing test to diagnose this type of virus and very soon such tests will be made available.

Treatment for Bourbon Virus

Since it is not easy to diagnose this infection in the absence of proper tests, the doctors treat only the symptoms. Giving intravenous fluids and treating fever and pain are the basic modes of treatment. Antibiotics since are ineffective against all types of viruses are not recommended.

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