
Birth control methods have been prevalent since thousands of years. Earlier the methods were carried out on trial and error basis and some of the traditional methods failed completely while some provided restricted results.

However, today, you have so many birth control methods that are not only safe and highly effective but also very easy to use. Just as each of you has different choices, similarly, each of you may be in need of the different type of birth control method. The choice of different birth control methods totally depends upon your gender, physical and personal limitations and requirements.

Hence, the need is to find the best birth control method from the different methods that are currently available. To make the right decision, it will be better for you to understand and get information about different types of birth control methods. Here is a detailed overview of different types of birth control methods and also on the basis of birth control and contraceptives that will clear all the confusion if you have any about these things and guide you in making the right choice.

Birth Control and Contraception

The process of birth control takes into account actions (one or more), sexual practices, devices or medications that are followed for preventing intentionally or reducing the chances of childbirth or pregnancy. There are three types of routes generally used for carrying out birth control or ending or preventing pregnancy. These include:


In this method, the process of ovum fertilization by the sperm cells is prevented.


This is the pill after morning that prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg

Surgical or chemical process:

In this process, the developing fetus or embryo is aborted surgically or by giving certain medication.

More on Contraception

During contraception different agents, devices, sexual practices, drugs or surgical procedures are used to prevent impregnation or conception. With the help of contraception, women can plan the exact time when they want to conceive. At present condom is the only contraception that offers protection to partners from sexually transmitted infections.

Different Types of Birth Control Methods

There are different types of birth control methods currently available. Traditional methods such as practicing celibacy/sexual abstinence or withdrawal/coitus interrupts (withdrawing the penis) just before ejaculation is not preferred by the young generation today as much more effective methods that not only let you enjoy the sexual act completely without inhibition, but in the process also offers you protection from different sexually transmitted diseases are readily available.

Permanent and Reversible Birth Control Options

According to a study, almost half of the pregnancies are unintended. With the introduction of new and latest methods in birth control and contraception, the modern women and men can now choose a particular contraceptive according to their needs.

  • Reversible and permanent are the two major types of birth control methods.
  • Intrauterine devices, barrier methods, hormonal methods and fertility-awareness-based methods are a type of reversible methods.
  • Tubal ligation and transcervical sterilization such as male vasectomy and Essure are a type of permanent birth control methods.

Reversible Birth Control Methods

A. Intrauterine Device (IUD):

Although is primarily used as a regular contraceptive, it is also used as an emergency contraceptive whenever required. The intrauterine device is flexible, small and T-shaped and is placed inside the uterus by the physician. It remains in the same place for the entire time you do not desire to conceive. Depending upon the type of IUD you choose, it can be effective from five to 10 years.

Note: One of the latest IUD is copper T 380A has been found to be effective for minimum 12 years.

B. Hormonal Methods:

These methods include injections, implants, oral contraceptives, the hormonally contraceptive ring and the patch. All these hormonal methods have 91 to 99 percent effectiveness. These methods, however, do not protect you against STDs.

These include:

1. Contraceptive Pills:

These pills come with a combination of two essential sexual hormones-progestin and estrogen. These hormones together stop the ovulation process (release of the egg) and also makes the uterus lining thinner.

Note: A survey suggests that out of every 1000 women who use contraceptive pills three become accidentally pregnant in the first year of its use.

2. Contraceptive Patch:

This is a type of transdermal patch and is used as topical application. It is applied on the surface of the vaginal skin and releases synthetic progestin and estrogen hormones. This patch is considered equally effective as the oral contraceptive pills. At present, very few brands are providing this type of contraceptives. Some such products include Ortho Evra and Evra. To get steady results you need to wear the patch on the lower buttock or abdomen for three consecutive weeks. You do not need to wear it in the fourth week and it is a patch-free week.

3. The NuvaRing or Contraceptive Vaginal Ring:

This ring is manufactured by an American company-Organon and is a type of combined hormonal contraceptive created in the form of a vaginal ring. Made from ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer-a type of flexible plastic, this ring keeps on releasing a dose of estrogen and progestin in a span of more than three weeks. You need to remove the ring during the fourth week when you will be menstruating.

4. Contraceptive Shot or Injection:

This injection is injected in every three months to stop the process of release of an egg in women. It offers contraceptive results and is made up of a type of progestin hormone-depot medroxyprogesterone acetate that acts as a reversible birth control hormonal drug. The most popular brand in this product range is Depo-Provera.

5. Implants:

Implanon, a rod with progestin at its core is inserted beneath the woman's upper arm. The rod releases the progestin slowly and is very effective as a birth control method for three years.

C. Barrier Methods

Female and male condoms, cervical caps, diaphragms, spermicides and different type of foam, suppositories, cream, gels or tablets are used in this method. These are 79 to 98 percent effective in preventing impregnation and can to some extent help to prevent STD's.

These include:

1. Female Condom:

These two are made of polyurethane and come with a flexible ring on both the ends. One ring is inserted into the vagina behind the pubic bone to secure the condom in one place and the other is placed outside the vagina.

2. Male Condom:

This is a type of mechanical barrier, which is used to prevent pregnancy by stopping the entrance of sperm into the vagina. The male condom is placed over the penis covering it before the beginning of sexual intercourse. The condoms are made of latex or polyurethane. They look similar to thin and long deflated balloons.

3. Contraceptive sponge:

This comes with a depression so that it can be held at one place just over the cervix. Women use this contraceptive inside the vagina. In this process, an applicator is used to place foam inside the vagina. This foam contains spermicidal that is effective in destroying male sperms. The sponge also serves as a barrier and stops the sperms from traveling beyond the vagina and making a contact with the egg.

4. Spermicides:

This chemical contraceptive is kept inside the vagina just before the sexual intercourse to create a barrier. It is sometimes used along with a physical barrier such as the contraceptive sponge.

5. Diaphragm:

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