
When it comes to following a particular diet, the debate is always between a vegetarian diet and a non-vegetarian diet and which one is better than the other.

Here senior dietitian -Neha Suryvanshi explained how the Indian vegetarian diet is useful for weight loss journey. 

Of course, lately people are also stressing on shifting to a vegan diet which completely excludes animal products, a vegetarian diet is much preferred as it contributes to maintaining better health and ideal weight.

And if you are carrying extra fat on your body, the vegetarian diet chart for weight loss can be an ideal way to achieve your weight loss goal quickly.

Indian Vegetarian Diet Chart For Weight Loss In Detail

A vegetarian weight loss diet is a well-balanced diet that is appropriate for all the ages including children, adults, athletes, lactating mothers, pregnant women, or even patients needing speedy recovery.

It includes plant-based foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that are full of fiber and keep your hunger at bay for a long time with fewer calories. This naturally prevents you from gaining extra weight.

Importantly, a balanced vegetarian diet also reduces the chances of heart diseases and brain stroke.  Here we are discussing 7-day vegetarian weight loss diet chart that boosts your health and also burns fat.

Naturally, you will be expected to avoid all the non-vegetarian foods like meat and fish but you will not regret banning such foods from your diet after the end of the week when you will feel energetic, lean and fit and slimmer by a few pounds.   


Importance of a balanced vegetarian diet

Strategy For 7- Day Vegetarian Diet Chart 

  1. Cutting down calorie intake slowly over the period of 7 days
  2. Increasing consumption of high-protein diet
  3. Never skipping a meal
  4. Excluding refined sugar consumption
  5. Strictly adhering to the plan

The basis of the entire weight loss plan is on this strategy and you can only succeed in losing weight if you manage to strictly follow the above rules.                                                                                        

The GM Vegetarian Diet Plan

There is another vegetarian diet plan known as GM diet plan that assuredly leads to weight loss within 7 days but restricts your diet only to fruits, starches, and vegetables. The diet is followed by General Motors Company for its employees to ensure that they are fit and healthy and give their 100% towards their work.  

Through this diet, you can easily shed around 6 to 8 kilos in 7 days, flush out toxins from your body so that you feel active and light and also your belly fat is reduced considerably.

The GM diet plan expects you to avoid alcohol all through the diet plan because alcohol increases uric acid in the body resulting in water retention which hampers the natural detoxification process.   

{ Also Read: How Personalized Diet Plans Cure Health Problems }

In this article, we are following the easy vegetarian weight loss diet chart so that you do not have the restriction of giving up most of your favorite foods and also you do not end up adding weight once you come back to your regular meal plan.

Day 1 (1800 calories)

  • Early morning take 2 teaspoons of soaked fenugreek seeds with water.
  • Breakfast should include oats, ground flaxseeds, banana, and a glass of fresh orange juice
  • In the midmorning eat 4 almonds and 1 cup watermelon
  • At lunch, 1 cup brown rice, grilled tofu, the salad of onions, tomato, spinach and  1 cup buttermilk
  • Post-lunch snack – 1 cup green tea + apple
  • Dinner- 2 whole wheat bread slices, cucumber, carrot, beetroot salad, 1 cup chickpea curry, full-fat milk-1 cup before going to bed

 Vegetarian Diet Day 1 (1800 calories)

Day 2 (1500 calories)

  • Early morning 1 glass water with 1 lime juice and a teaspoonful of organic honey
  • Breakfast should include 1 cup multi-grain flakes with fruits like strawberry, apple, dates, and almond, and 1 cup green tea
  • In the midmorning consume 1 cup of pineapple with a dash of lime juice and pink Himalayan salt
  • At lunch eat boiled beans, carrot, baby spinach, cucumber and beetroot salad with a light dressing and a cup full of fat yogurt
  • Post lunch snack should include coconut water- 2 cups/1 big glass
  • Dinner – boiled lentils flavored with chili and garlic and stir-fried veggies, a full-fat milk-1 cup before going to bed

Day 3 (1200 calories)

  • Early morning take 2 teaspoons of soaked fenugreek seeds with water.
  •  Breakfast should include 1 cup muesli with chia seeds, strawberries, blueberries, full-fat milk and 1 teaspoon organic honey
  • Midmorning snack- 1 multigrain biscuit and a cup of green tea
  • At lunch consume salad of sweet corn, broccoli, grilled sweet potato and mushroom with 1 tablespoon of feta cheese
  • Post lunch snack should include 10-in shell unsalted pistachios and 1 cup fresh orange juice
  • Dinner- Butternut squash soup, 1 multigrain garlic flavored bread and 1 cup full-fat milk  

Day 4 (1200 calories)

  • Early morning take 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water
  • Breakfast should include banana, chia seeds, milk, strawberry smoothie + a low-sugar carrot muffin
  • Midmorning snack- 1 apple and a cup of green tea
  • During  the lunch consume 1 cup full-fat yogurt and quinoa salad
  • Post lunch snack should include ½ cup unsalted, unbuttered popcorn and a cup of green tea
  • Dinner- 1 cup kidney bean chili, and a salad of carrot, beetroot, and cucumber. Drink a cup of warm milk with a pinch of turmeric before going to bed.

Day 5 (1500 calories)

  • Early  morning drink 1 cup water with 2 teaspoons organic honey and 1 lime juice
  • Breakfast should include Avocado pesto toast and 1 cup watermelon
  • Midmorning snack -  2 almonds, 2 walnuts, 2 dates and a cup of cinnamon tea
  • During lunch consume pumpkin and Bengal gram curry with spinach brown rice and a cup of buttermilk
  • Post lunch snack- 1 cup muskmelon
  • Dinner-   Smoked tofu and kale salad. Drink 1 cup warm milk before going to bed

Day 6 (Cheat Day- 2000 calories)

  • Early morning take 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water
  • Breakfast should include 2 vegan pancakes and 1 cup of fresh fruit juice
  • Midmorning snack- 1 saltine cracker and a cup of green tea
  • During lunch consume lemon chili rice noodles with your favorite veggies and a cup of flavored yogurt
  • Post lunch snack – Air fried potato & spinach cakes along with a cup of yogurt dip
  • Dinner- Chocolate mousse and mushroom risotto

Vegetarian Diet Chart - Day 6 (2000 calories)

Day 7 (1500 calories)

  • Early morning  drink 1 cup water with 2 teaspoons organic honey and 1 lime juice
  • Breakfast should include 2 banana bread slices, 4 almond and a cup of green tea
  • Midmorning snack-half cup of grapes
  • During lunch, you should consume 1 cup of full-fat yogurt with the lettuce wrap
  • Post lunch, snack- 1 cup baby carrots + hummus
  • Dinner- 1 black bean, corn enchilada, and spinach with 1 cup warm water before going to bed  

This effective Indian vegetarian diet chart for weight loss in 7 days chart should be supplemented with regular exercise such as cycling, jogging, brisk walking or doing power yoga to get desired results at the end of the 7-day session.


Note: Above data is information purpose only and to get more accurate results for Weight Loss purpose contact our certified dietitians


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