
Yoga word has been derived from yug, a Sanskrit root meaning to yoke the physical body and the spirit together. Over the years yoga has evolved considerably and has adapted various disciplines and styles due to which many forms of yoga that are prevalent today have been developed.

These forms are far different from those practiced thousands of years before. However, the essence and the basic principles have been left undisturbed as both these things distinguish yoga from other forms of mind and body exercises.

yoga postures

Types of Popular Yoga Forms

Different yoga gurus have evolved various forms of yoga according to their own perspective and understanding of this healing therapy. Some such popular yoga forms include:

  • Anusara
  • Aerial
  • Bikram
  • Hatha
  • Iyengar
  • Ashtanga
  • Hot
  • Yin
  • Kundalini
  • Pre and Post-natal
  • Power/Vinyasa/Flow

Benefits of Yoga

It offers immense body and spiritual benefits. Here we have listed some of the topmost benefits that you can get by practicing any of the above forms.

Complete Fitness

Complete fitness not only includes healthy body but also the healthy and stable mind. Since it is best for body and heart, regular practice of yoga provides you complete fitness and ensures a disease-free life. It increases positive attitude enabling you to live an enthusiastic, loving and joyful life.

Meditation, pranayama and yoga when practiced together work as a complete holistic fitness package giving you relief from all types of health and emotional problems.

Weight Loss

Since it is a holistic practice, you may not notice immediate weight loss through yoga. But once you start losing it you retain the normal weight throughout your life. Yoga practices such as Kapal Bhati pranayama and Sun salutations or Surya Namaskar ensures a harmony between your mind and body and slowly eliminates toxicity leading to healthier and lighter body.

Inner Peace and Stress Relief

Regular practice of yoga ensures relief from stress and greater inner peace that slowly becomes a part of your overall personality. This inner peace ensures that you become capable of taking right decisions even in the direst situations and emerge a successful winner.

Stress has been lately responsible for a lot of emotional problems and health diseases such as Alzheimer's, stroke, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart problems and more.

When you make yoga a part of your daily routine, your risk for getting these diseases lowers considerably enabling you to enjoy good health all through your life.

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