
Are you suffering from Sexual Aversion Disorder? Then, you are at a right niche to know all about Sexual Aversion Disorder. In both men and women, sexual aversion disorder is seen. It is thought to be common in women when compared to men, possibly as women are likely than men to become victims of rape & other forms of sexual assault.

There are comparatively few figures on the count of people with sexual aversion disorder as it is frequently puzzled with other diseases, or with normal fluctuations in desire related with stress.

What is Sexual Aversion Disorder?sexual aversion disorder

Sexual aversion disorder is a disease caused by fear, repugnance, revulsion, or lack of desire in consensual relationships connecting genital contact. It is a phobic aversion to & avoidance of sexual contact with a partner, which results in personal distress. This is the severe form of sexual desire disorder.

It includes fear of sexual intercourse & an intense desire to evade sexual conditions completely. In heterosexual men, this is frequently related to an aversion to a woman's vagina or other genitals. He can be repulsed by the outward looks or smell of her vagina. Even, a man's reaction to his partner's body & sexuality greatly impacts the relationship quality.

Loss of Sexual desire

To comprehend sexual aversion disorder, one ought to first comprehend that there are conditions in which it is typical for individuals to lose enthusiasm f the sexual activity. The per-user can then contrast these circumstances with the loss of interest related to a genuine sexual issue, including sexual aversion disorder.

There are various reasons that individuals lose enthusiasm for sex. It is because of encountering loss of desire of amid menopause, straightforwardly after the introduction of a kid; before or amid monthly cycle; amid recuperation from a sickness or surgery, and amid such major or upsetting life changes as a death of a friend or family member, work misfortune, retirement, or separation.

These are viewed as typical causes for vacillations in sexual desire and are temporary. Other reasons for loss of sexual desire includes, becoming a parent and looking for career opportunities. Not having enough time for oneself or to be separated from everyone else with one's accomplice may likewise add to the ordinary and actually reversible loss of craving.

No privacy, resulting from coming about because of moving a dependent parent into a home is a common cause of lack of sexual desire in middle-aged couples. Gloom, exhaustion, or push likewise adds to decreasing of sexual intrigue.

Sub classifications of sexual aversion disorder

Sexual aversion disorder shows stronger dislike and active avoidance of sexual activity. Sexual aversion disorder is caused not only due to lack of sex desire, but also due to other emotions, when the individual with such disorder engages in genital contact with the partner.

It is of different forms, it can be related to few aspects of sexual intercourse, like the sight of partner's genitals or smell of body secretions, however, it includes hugging, kissing and petting and intercourse itself. In few cases, the individuals with sexual aversion disorder avoid sexual contact.

There are numerous sub-classifications of sexual aversion disorder. It can be life long or acquired after a shocking experience; situational or generalized conditions. Sexual aversion can also be caused by psychological factors or with the combination of physical factors.

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Contributing Factors of Sexual Aversion Disorder (Sad)

The following are the Contributing Factors of SAD:

  • Sexual abuse
  • Incest
  • Rape
  • Parental sexual attitudes
  • Unresolved sexual identity issues
  • Anxieties regarding a person's sexual performance
  • Blood fear on the penis after penetration
  • Relationship problems
  • Fear of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Pregnancy fear

Consequences of Sexual Aversion Disorder (Sad)

  • Fearfulness
  • Anxiety

Physical symptoms, such as:

  • Sweating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Trembling
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

Sexual Aversion Disorder Treatment

To treat Sexual Aversion disorder the most recommended method is sex therapy /counseling: They are many counseling service providers, who are specialized in sexual health & solving relationship issues. Also, there are many experienced sex therapists & relationship counselors who provide counseling & support for individuals suffering from sexual aversion disorder and their partners.

By providing counseling for the individual and/or couple's, sexual aversion disorder can be treated. Face to face counseling is also offered for the individuals to cure this even few experts also provide phone counseling. Sex therapy/counseling for Sexual Aversion Disorder also include:

  • Cognitive restructuring techniques
  • Anxiety reduction/desensitization
  • Enhancing communication
  • Sexual myths/psychosexual education
  • Behavioral assignments/homework exercises
  • Promoting sexual intimacy

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