
Gluten intolerance is caused due to the response of the immune system to a particular protein found in wheat and many other grains. A person suffering from gluten sensitivity or related health problems such as celiac disease has to face different symptoms including abdominal pain, foggy mind, ADHD-like behavior, bloating, fatigue, joint pain, rash, depression, constipation, and diarrhea.

These symptoms, enhance especially after eating gluten-based foods. In most of the cases, the symptoms can be treated merely by eliminating such foods from the diet. But it is very much important that the main problem is diagnosed correctly. The doctors also prescribe additional treatments to get relief from the discomfort of gluten sensitivity.

wheat allergies

Surprisingly, symptoms of celiac disease can be different from the wheat allergy. On the other hand, individuals diagnosed with gluten sensitivity, although suffer from the above symptoms; they never suffer from the small intestine damage or tissue transglutaminase (tTG) as in the case of celiac disease.

Diagnosing Gluten Intolerance

At present, there are no special blood tests available for diagnosing varying problems related to gluten intolerance. Hence, for every health problem suspected to be connected with gluten-based foods, the doctors advise regular screening and diagnostic tests that are used for diagnosing celiac disease.

Ironically, if you are suffering from symptoms similar to celiac disease but are not diagnosed for it or wheat allergy, you are supposed to be suffering from gluten sensitivity. So, it means the absence of one disease is used to confirm the presence of other related health problem. In all the above problems, the symptoms disappear when the patient starts eating the gluten-free diet and bounce back when gluten based foods are reintroduced in regular diet.

Apart from following a gluten-free diet, you cannot do much to control the gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity or celiac disease problem.

Here are some of the herbal, conventional and traditional methods that can contribute in recovery:

1. Herbal Treatments

Horsetail tea

Extract of olive leaf and Golden seal are very useful in treating autoimmune diseases caused due to gluten intolerance. These extracts are particularly used to treat Celiac disease as they regulate and protect the immune system of the body and reduce the severity of the disease.

Some traditional communities also add chamomile extract to the above combination as it helps to reduce the upset stomach and digestive inflammation commonly associated with Celiac disease.

Horsetail Tea has been found useful in reducing the inflammation of the intestinal walls and digestive tract. The chemical components in the tea boost the durability and strength of the digestive system so that the body's immune system becomes less sensitive to gluten.

2. Nutritional Supplements

When the body is diagnosed with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, the chances are that it also is slightly deficient in different essential nutrients as the intestine's absorption capacity also drops considerably in such cases. To maintain the balance of essential nutrients, you should take nutritional and dietary supplements so that the body can perform all its functions properly.

Moreover, since such patients have to exclude gluten-based foods from their diet, their body is deprived of certain macro and micronutrients. Hence, to avoid the side effects of depending upon selective diet, health experts recommend nutrient supplements to such patients.

Although choosing a gluten-free diet and sticking to it lifelong is not easy, with proper guidance and research you can come up with your selective gluten-free choices and live a happy and normal life.

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