
Updated: 11-01-2024

Written By: Dr.Tulika Bakshi Sinha

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Menopause is associated with menstruation in women. All women experience the end of the reproductive period after their forties that is the menopause phase.

For some women, the symptoms may start in the early forties but it may take a couple of years more for the actual menstruation to stop.

On the other hand, few lucky women never experience any troubling symptoms and have an easy transition from menstruation phase to menopause.

A principle of the diet

Foods rich in iron, folic acid, and proteins should be taken.  Folic acid helps in the formation of blood.  Anemia can be seen in certain cases. In that case, iron and folic acid supplements should be given.  Brussels sprouts are a rich source of folate, and fiber and contain higher vitamins.  Adequate amounts of fluids should be taken as they are necessary for protein breakdown.

food to be included in menopause stage

{ Also Read: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Diet }

Menopause diet

Prefer all these below mentioned in your diet regularly to overcome menopause issues

Brussels sprouts






Brown rice,

Puffed rice,







Eggs ,

Milk ,


Soya beans ,

Black gram dhal ,

Citrus fruits,

Almonds ,



Okra ,

Peas ,


Fish , etc.

Sample Diet Plan For Menopause 

Timmings Menu Servings
Early morning Milk 1 Glass
Breakfast  Alu parata 2 No's
Bolied egg  1 No.
Mid-morning  Chicken/veg soup 1 Bowl
Lunch Kichidi 2Katori
  Curd 1 Cup
  Carrot slices/Watermelon 1 Serving
Tea time  Puffed rice poha 1 Serving
  Almonds 5 No's
Dinner brown rice 1 Katori
  Roti 2 No's
  curry 1 Katori
  Raitha 1 Cup
Bedtime Orange juice 1 Glass


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