
Amla is the most important fruit for our Health.It is a best medicinal herb widely using in Ayurveda. Amla is called as Indian gooseberry in English. The Scientific name of amla Phyllanthus Emblica.

We consume Amla in many ways such as Raw Amla, In Pickles, Amla Powder, Amla Jam, In our dishes and much more ways.So today we will discuss here How many ways Amla juice is useful for our Health.

         Health Benefits of Amla Juice (Indian Gooseberry Juice)

Here are the health benefits of Amla Juice

1. Amla juice improves skin condition:

Which contains the rich source of Vitamin C and antioxidants which protect skin.

Drink daily one Glass of Amla Juice or take Amla powder with lukewarm water.

2. Amla juice improves EYE condition:

Best benefit of taking amla juice is it improves the EYE health naturally because Vitamin C and amla are Useful for Glaucoma.Use amla Juice as the best home remedy to improve eyesight.

3. Amla juice can reduce the Heart-related issues: 

Researchers showed that Amla is the fruit for Heart Health. Amla reduces the Heart attacks risk and blockages in arteries.

4. Amla Juice reduces hair loss.

5. It can reduce old age problems.

6. It can reduce the risk of Cancer.

7. Amla Juice can manage Blood Glucose levels.

8. Amla Juice is useful in Anemia.

9. Amla Improves Immunity Power.

10. Amla is useful in Respiratory problems.


Author's Bio: Pavan Kumar Elkoochi- Is a Healthcare Evangelist, Writer, Social Thinker, Healthcare Business Analyst Trainer, Mentor.He strongly Believes Health is Wealth.

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